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Guest Speaker (Workshops & Conventions)
Looking to inspire and motivate your staff or group workshop?
Lemon Cree offers guest speaking at your conferences! We have a great record of holding successful workshops across Canada, encouraging participants to become active, energetic and lead healthier lifestyles. This is a great way to get the crowd moving after sitting all day in conferences, hence leaving them energized and re-focused!

Brescia Women's College - London, Ontario
Youth Summit-National Aboriginal Diabetes Association - Niagara Falls, ON
National Aboriginal Circle Against Family Violence- Winnipeg, MB
Canadian Network of Women's Shelter & Transition Houses- Montreal, QC
Urban Aboriginal Community Strategy Network- Montreal, QC​​
Lemon Cree First Fitness Convention- Gatineau, QC
The Quebec Native Women's Conference, Montreal, QC​
Cree Women's Eeyou Association - Val' dor, QC
The Family Violence Symposium, Grand Council of the Crees, Chisasibi, QC ............... and more!​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

Theresa travels worldwide to guest speak. Click on the Lemon Cree logo to the right to download a conference info fo
Feel Motivated with a "Lemon Cree
Health Break"
"I was at the women's shelter conference in Montreal back in September, and you did the health breaks between the sessions...OMG we had such fun! Even the Executive Director from the shelter I work at was on her feet working out and loving every minute (and she's not exactly a working out kinda gal ha ha ha) but she had the best time ever. When are you coming to Winnipeg, Manitoba? We'd love to have you come to the shelter and do a class with the clients and staff :)
Susan - Winnipeg, Manitoba
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